вторник, 23 октября 2007 г.

Tests carried out by Nissan Company have shown that drivers being in goodmood stack up much less often. The company is assured that the car can causefeeling of attachment, and promote creation of rather "partner"relationships with the driver. For this purpose in new model Pivo 2 specialsystem Robotic Agent (RA), providing communication between the car and thedriver and creating feelings of attachment and trust is established. RoboticAgent, "listening" to the driver and "talking" to him, by means oftechnologies of speech recognition and monitoring of obverse musclescondition, besides offering to the driver the necessary information, it iscapable "to encourage" and "calm" its owner...
Moreover, Robotic Agent speaks with the driver using intuitively cleargestures, for example, nods or shakes its head, helping to find quieter andpacified condition of spirit.

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